Seagull x-1

  • X-1 is the most popular and used SEAGULL® IV model
  • Specially studied for domestic applications, in the boating section and on motorhomes
  • Small dimensions
  • Changing the flter cartridge is very easy and it must be done when water flow reduces (clogging due to microrganism and particles) or when declared capacity is reached
  • It doesn’t need of electrical connection


  • Microfltration through a 0.1 micron structured matrix retention to remove water born pathogenic bacteria, parasites, radioactive particles and other micro particles
  • Adsorption of organic chemical compounds by broad-spectrum absorbent substances particularly effective against chlorine, pesticides, herbicides and methylmercury
  • Bacterical and not bacteriostatic action
  • Permanent induction with + and – charges in matrix for elimination of smaller particle than those retained by microfltration

Technical Features

Cartridge RS-1 SG
Passage 0,1 micron
Flow rate 4 L/min
Capacity 4.000L
Dimensions Ø 12,2 × H 13,7 cm
Operating pressure from 1 to 8 bar

Technical Documentation

Download the data sheet Seagull IV X-1